
Whether it’s printed, digital or video, good content is key to maintaining and accelerating business momentum with clients and internal stakeholders.

CountryMax Holiday Gift Guide

Thirty eight years in the retail business and CountryMax had never done a holiday gift guide. That changed in 2021 when we created a digital gift guide showcasing a few key products in several of our key categories. As a pet, home and garden store, CountryMax may not be an obvious choice for holiday gift-buying. Our goal was to change that! Drive some shoppers to the stores in December (a typically slow time).

Designed like a traditional catalog, but delivered only online, this gift guide uses original photography and holiday marketing messages to give users gift-giving ideas rather than price-driven offers.


More than 2,200 visits/views

977 updated customers records

338 new customer records

At least one product showcased in the guide sold out on the first day

Sales of “gift and food items” from our lodge area were up 57% YOY during the holidays


CountryMax Canning Guide

During the pandemic, America’s interest in traditional gardening and preserving took off. Suddenly people were digging out their grandmother’s recipes, notes and canning jars. CountryMax has always catered to homesteaders and the DIY crowd.

So we created a printed canning guide filled with interesting history, facts and scientific information about the multiple ways to can. The CountryMax canning guide is an eye-catching print piece filled with colorful photographs, hand-drawn illustrations and valuable canning information. In a world gone digital, the traditional paper-based guide feels valuable. And the content is useful for beginners and experienced canning customers alike.


2.5% coupon redemption rate in stores

Multiple positive comments and thank yous from the canning community

Sold out of several types of canning supplies


CountryMax Lawn & Garden Guide

There’s an endless amount of information out there are about gardening and lawn care. But who are the experts? By producing this 28-page guide, CountryMax is asserting that, not only do we have a great prices on mulch plus a well-stocked nursery, but also the know-how to help people.


For those just getting started, or veterans looking for a new tip or trend, the CountryMax Lawn & Garden guide provides valuable information, strategies and savings.


Chief Optimist

Initial magazine, featuring cover story penned by Fast Company co-founder Bill Taylor, and edited by yours truly.

Chief Optimist Magazine and Website

This one goes back a few years. It launched when content marketing was just becoming a “thing.” Created to help Xerox establish higher-level conversations with CTOs, COOs, and CEOs, it’s credited with driving nearly $5 million in incremental contracts.

A true thought leadership initiative, content covered cyber security, cloud computing, change management, machine learning, and more.


The interviews were techy and fun. The topics with timely. Lots of original content plus some purchased through Forbes. The strategy was subtle. The selling was soft. Yet the results — 5 million in pipeline — were remarkable.


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